Saturday, December 22, 2007

Awesome Sandwich Awesome Again

Adam and Teresa are in. Danny Bonaduce is out.

Oh, glory days.

My manifesto has received quite the attention over the past few days since Rob Barnett, former President of CBS Radio, linked my harangue about Danny Bonaduce being the shit in my awesome Carolla sandwich in his blog "The Night Feed." This is awesome (a) because Rob Barnett is the man who had the vision to bring Adam Carolla to morning radio and (b) because he detests Jack Silver, the current program director, Pig Vomit #2, and a single-celled organism with the name of a bad pirate villain from a TV-movie.


Below is a link to Mr. Barnett's blog as well as a snippet from the press release on the wonderful news all Carolla fans received this week.

(from press release): Barnett believes that Silver isn’t taking advantage of the potential controversy over the Carolla no-show. “Old Jack Silver completely missed the lessons he should have learned from Stern,” Barnett offered yesterday. “Instead of inviting controversy as an honest and essential friend of true talk radio – AND great for ratings plus his bonus checks – he goes pussy and takes the message boards down to avoid any harsh critique – whotta shame plus what an indictment on the fact that he DOESN'T GET IT.”

He called Silver a pussy. I love it. Let Old Jack continue to plunder the airwaves with such nonsense as the Tom Leykis show -- a call-in show for Los Angeles' intellectually hopeless -- and the new "Bonaduce Hour," a 2-3 PM slot sure to be listened to by the 47 people who showed up to see him at "Christmas Carolla" this year when Adam was a no-show.

That hour-long trainwreck will be a "must listen" for the morbidly curious. Which I'm sure will drive the ratings, which I'm sure will shiver Jack Silver's timbers.

Regardless, Bonaduce's out and my awesome sandwich is going to taste awesome again starting January 2, 2008 at 6AM. See you there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sandwich man - game - set - match - the win goes to ADAM & his fans - let ole jack hava christmas now & we should all start the next war - radio needs more intense fans and NEW IDEAS - nice going ...